Hey, I’m Vika.

Writing bios is not my favourite thing in the world,
but let’s have a crack at it.

I’ve been embroidering since 2019.
The reason I decided to try my hand at it is anxiety,
generalised anxiety disorder to be exact. One of the things I’ve struggled with is
feeling guilty for resting. For some reason, I don’t feel like I’m allowed to
spend any time doing non productive things.

Embroidery is my productive rest. Well, it was until November 2022.
That’s the month I quit my day job to pursue being an embroidery artist full-time.
Honestly, learning to run a small creative business has been another
productive thing I didn’t know I would really enjoy.

Currently I am still just trying to figure it out.

The last couple of years have been really rewarding, and stressful, and joyful, and many other things. I’ve dabbed into a number of different aspects of this art form and business, learned a whole bunch of skills I never knew I would need to learn hah, and some of those things are incredibly boring but hey, I’m a one woman show.

And shit gotta get done, donnit?